Thursday, December 23, 2010
Winterlight: A Holiday Concert with YPC Erie
Sunday, December 12, 2010
YPC Erie's 2010 Fall Term is Coming to a Close: Past and Upcoming Events

YPC Erie has certainly had an exciting couple of months! The time seems to be flying by, and before you know it, we will be starting our Spring Term and welcoming new choristers as a result of our upcoming January auditions. Enough about January, let's focus on a review of our November and recent December events, and our upcoming Holiday Concert.
Saturday, October 9, 2010
YPC Erie's Fall 2010 Tour of Schools!

Friday, September 17, 2010
YPC & Diversity

By Meredith Supinski
Something just clicks when I hear the words "diverse" and "different." It instantly makes me want to participate. I like being different, even though I don't fully understand why. I've learned in classes at school and in life, that when everything is the same, it just does not work to its full ability, and usually ends up falling apart. That's why YPC is so important, because anyone can start an organization, but the real goal is making it an organization that is constantly challenged by the diverse people involved in it. I feel that Erie is a very diverse city with many cultures represented, but to be diverse is sometimes thought to be a bad thing. YPC nourishes the idea of diversity, and lets it grow into something that gives young people opportunities that they would not have without it.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Something I Can't Do Without

By Dallas Baker
The commitment of YPC is important to me because YPC is something that is very important to me, and I honestly do not know what I would do without it. Also the commitment is helping me with other commitments that I have now, and other commitments I will have in the future. Every time there is a concert or rehearsal with YPC I always get more advanced with my singing and learn from it. I also feel as if I am committed because being with the group boosts my self- esteem and it is something I enjoy doing, not something I have to do.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Why I Made the Commitment

By Kayla McGrath
I made a commitment to YPC because I have loved the organization ever since I heard about it. It is a big part of my life, and I'm very proud of it. I love all the friends I've made and I love how YPC is like a family. Even when I turn 18, and no longer can be in YPC, I plan to do as much as I can to support members of YPC in the future.
YPC In the Community
Saturday, September 4, 2010
"In Love with YPC"

I am in LOVE with the Young People's Chorus of Erie because of what it has done for me, and the people that have helped me through this year and a half! At my school I am not the most wanted one there, but with YPC it is a whole different story! I love coming because everything is very special to me. I have made so many friendships, and learned new languages in different songs. We sing this one memorable song called "Oye." In this song everybody is smiling, laughing, and having the time of our lives! I have had so many experiences at Choir Camp, and they are all GOOD ones. I have made so many friendships in the past 2 years! I have stayed connected with some of them for a year until I saw them again. That is how strong the LOVE of FAMILY is in YPC. We all have different backgrounds and in some awesome way, we all love each other so much and we are building LIFELONG relationships. I know the Young People's Chorus of Erie will go on forever, and even when I graduate all around I will go to every concert that YPC has. The 3 words that will be used in YPC the most that will live on forever are LOVE, FAMILY, MUSIC. I love YPC so much, I am CRAZY for it! YPC will live in my heart forever!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Auditions are Coming! Auditions are Coming!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Choir Camp 2010 has come to an end...
Friday, August 13, 2010
YPC Erie 2nd Annual Gala a Success!
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The dancing shoes were on tonight!
Day Four of Choir Camp week began with the arrival of some very well-rested and VERY energetic day campers (I guess they did go home and rest up after an earlier release time last night!). As the day campers went to start their morning rehearsal session, the residential campers were finishing breakfast and heading to a group sharing session. Campers had the opportunity to give voice to any problems or concerns they were feeling, and afterward the energy in the room at lunch was noticeably changed for the better. We are looking forward to a very productive evening.
“Day four is really fun. We have a dance tonight and everyone is really excited!” – Angel B.
“Rockin’ out, wasn’t feeling well, but I’m pushing through and having a blast!!!!” – Kamyah B.
After the first afternoon rehearsal, the day campers went off to the pool (only asking when we were going swimming about 27 times in the hour right before) and the residential campers headed back to the dorm to have some group bonding time. Some were outside enjoying the beautiful sunshine, and others were inside the lobby area either having a dance party in the corner or using their creativity to create crafts for the Gala on Friday.
After recreation and downtime this afternoon, we will be having our first Gala dress rehearsal, and it will be a treat to see all of the progress the campers have been making this week. It will also be the first opportunity the campers will have to see ALL of the songs that each group has been working on. It is hard to believe that the week is already coming to a close, but all of the hard work is paying off in a big way!
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
After last night’s performance, the campers had earned a bit of a leisurely morning. The residential campers slept in this morning, and the day campers arrived and had a “getting-to-know-you-better” session. (We learned a lot of very interesting middle names, much to their dismay, and heard many great stories about siblings and crazy pets!) The campers had a busy day ahead, so morning rehearsals began, and they were intense and very productive.
Some meal time comments:
"If you asked me two days ago if I wanted to come to choir camp I would’ve said no, because two days ago I thought that I wouldn’t know anyone and I’d be missing my best friend, and that I wouldn’t get along with anyone. That all changed when I walked in to Smith Chapel on Monday and I saw someone from my school. Don’t get me wrong, I do miss my best friend a lot, but not as much as I thought. Plus, I’m having a great time. Now if you would ask me today if I wanted to come to choir camp, I would say yes without even thinking. I would encourage everyone ages 7-17 to come to YPC choir camp!" - Ashley L.
"Choir camp is the best. I love it. It is so fun to do all of it. The meals are great(thanks, Bruno's!).The pool is awesome. The hikes might be long, but they are fun. Choir camp, you get a 10!" - Amanda C.
The day campers went for an off-campus performance at The Regency this afternoon, and were very excited. Some may think that giving a concert after only two and a half days is a crazy idea, but it is just your typical day at YPC! The day campers had worked very hard on all of their music and dancing, and gave a great performance, even presenting all of the songs from memory! We were very proud of them as each camper ages 7-10 stepped forward and introduced themselves, told the audience where they were from, and some made comments about all of the fun they have been having over the past few days. We were very warmly welcomed by the residents, and the campers had a great first performance experience! Things will just keep getting better and better for this weekend!
After returning from The Regency, the day campers rejoined the residential campers to practice the songs they sing together, and then everyone went down to the picnic grove for a relaxing dinner and great desserts. The day campers left after dinner (hopefully to get a good night’s rest!) and the residential campers got ready for their performance of the day. The residential campers gave a wonderful performance for an audience from Erie Homes for Children and Adults. The audience loved the upbeat songs, and the choreography was looking superb!
Kudos to all campers on a job well done! We are looking forward to more great performances over the next few days!
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
...and the home of the brave...
This afternoon’s rehearsals were filled with energy as the campers had their first opportunity to perform for each other. It is amazing to see how supportive all the campers are of each other. They are constantly taking every opportunity to help each other with tricky choreography steps and foreign language text.
What an exciting night! The campers had a fantastic time at the ballgame tonight, and their rendition of the national anthem was very well received. Crowd members were complimenting the campers left and right as they exited the field, and it was great for them to have so much positive feedback. They had their fill of “Buck Night” concessions, and because this was kids’ week, there were many other “freebies” handed out as well for the campers to enjoy.
Stay tuned tomorrow for some great action shots from rehearsals and the game!
Now we are gearing up for our performance of the National Anthem at the Erie Seawolves Game tonight and all of the campers are getting more exited with each passing moment!
Monday, August 9, 2010
Choir Camp 2010 is off and running!
"First day of camp, fantastic. I’ve already made some great friends and I can’t wait for the days to come! This is going to be a long week but it’s going to be amazing!" - Kayla M.
"Hey I am having a great time singing and even just talking and having a good time." - Andrew T.
The campers are off to arts and crafts and swimming, and are looking forward to more rehearsal time and learning all the new choreography later today!
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
YPC Prepares for Choir Camp & "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!"

Our Summer Gala, "Ain't No Mountain High Enough!" will take place on Friday, August 13 at the Ambassador Banquet & Conference Center, located at 7792 Peach Street in Erie. The Gala is YPC's largest fundraiser of the year, generating income to support tuition scholarships, purchase uniforms, support performance and travel costs, and many other expenses YPC incurs throughout the year to maintain a high-quality choral program. This year, nearly 100 singers who are joining us for our 2nd Annual Choir Camp in residence at Penn State Behrend will spend the week preparing to perform for our guests at the Gala. The event will feature a feast of international foods from various mountain regions - the Himalayas, the Alps, the Appalachians, and the Sierra Madre - with great choral music that corresponds to each region performed throughout the evening. Additional music will provided throughout the evening by the Steve Trohoske Jazz Trio. We will have silent & live auction items donated by a wide variety of businesses from around the community and region, as well as raffle items, and an after party that will feature a karaoke bidding contest!
Tickets to the Gala & After Party are available by contacting the YPC office at (814) 898-6789.
Our 2nd Annual Choir Camp will take place August 9-14 on the campus of Penn State Behrend. This year, we have 96 campers who will be participating in this climactic event of the year - a 50% increase over last year's enrollment! We have some very exciting events planned for the week, but our main focus will be on preparing for a sensational Gala performance Friday night. We will close the camp with a family concert at 12:30PM on Saturday, August 14 that will be free & open to the public. The family concert will take place in Bruno's Cafe, in the Reed Union Building at Penn State Behrend.
Parents, friends, and family should check this blog throughout the week for updates from our campers, and photos of our camp activities!
You can also read more about YPC events on our website at, and on Facebook!