I'll be seeing you,

Hey guys and gals, camp is exactly one month away and I cannot wait! (Hopefully all of your registrations are in by now…) The thing that excites me the most is seeing a bunch of you guys come in, some knowing each other and some not, but all leaving with a feeling of family- and what a family to be a part of! I like to think of myself as that one uncle you can tell anything to and he’ll totally understand where you’re coming from. But that’s just me- you have all of the other rock star counselors to be able to talk to day or night, be it for a laugh on Monday or a shoulder to cry on that last day. We are all very excited to get to spend a week with you all again, and meeting some of you for the first time. We all know the main reason why we are here, but just as important are the friendships and experiences we all make together over the course of several days. For better or best, we’re in this together and we will all inspire one another to try harder than we think possible, have more fun than we can imagine, and all the while gaining a good hard look at just what we are capable of when we put our collective minds together. As they say, two heads are better than one but as I say, 100 heads are even better than that.
See y’all soon!
Mike (aka Ducky)