Saturday, January 29, 2011

Devin's Thoughts

"As a veteran of YPC, I was very excited to be having yet another retreat because it provides a great opportunity to have the new choristers open up and get to know the members of YPC as well as letting us get to know them. Unfortunately I will probably have only one more retreat in my YPC life due to my graduation in 2012, so I enjoy the opportunity to come and be with friends who seem like family to me. I feel it helps us increase and strengthen our relationships. This retreat has been great for bonding and has allowed the old as well as the new choristers to be involved in games that allow everyone’s personality and ideas to be represented. I feel that this was a very fun and productive activity and time well spent. YPC will continue to grow more and more as the years progress if we do things like this more often. Last, but not least, I really do appreciate Dr. Bishop, and his faculty/staff, for picking a stupendous place for us to have this retreat. It has been a fun and informative retreat spending it here at the Watson & Curtze Mansion!"
Devin Hinchman

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